I did not specifically in time and space to do bento.
For some time in the past, I have done one or two.
Lately the thinking of it become so intense, although my children do not have eating problem,
I am doing this, as an expression of love towards them, our sweethearts.
The eldest are pair-twins, Luna and Jovann, they are in kindergarten now.
The youngest is Sebastian, a cute boy, not get into school yet.
So, I'll make bentos for the twins

Pink box for Luna and blue box for Jovann, their favourite colours
Fried rice with frozen mixed vegetable
The boy always had bigger portion than the girl ha ha ha.
It is his nature to eat so much despite of his petite figure.
On the side is beef floss and sliced strawberry.
The girl loves strawberry so much

I am learning to slice quail egg in style, also the sausages.
White rice with chicken katsu, steam baby corn and carrot, including three pieces of red grapes.
hm...I love the food picks. I should remind kids to bring them back afterwards.
Apparently, the lunch boxes are too much, because the kids said, they were unable to finish their lunch..! haa...perhaps it was suitable as my bento box..

hm, I must admit, working with punches is fun...although my punchers are few, I am still learning to use them.
This time menu was fish (salmon) cake. Minced salmon mixed with some flour, an egg and some water, add a pinch of salt and pepper before drop one spoonful into hot oil to deep fry them. The kids just love it.

The kids had sore throat, thus I made clear vegetable soup for them
ouch, I do not have small cup with lid, to put the soup in
Looked not quite nice...I should find the cup very soon... also the right puncher to create happy face...

Fried noodles....!
One of their most-enjoyed food. On top of noodles was boiled kani sticks
I put parsley together with steamed baby corn and oreo pudding
It turned out that kids hated the strong smell of parsley and did not touch their foods.
Ouch...I should not put parsley into their box again...:-(

The tricky part, was to peel and shape the oranges.
Even though they do not despise fruits and veggies, I always encourage them to have a balance meal. Lucky me, they are relatively easy to be told so. I just said "eat your fruits and veggies and you will grow taller each day!" and they will nod their heads in agreement.
Hopefully, I can do this on regular basis (read as: weekdays)
It is true that I should get up earlier every morning to prepare their boxes, but the efforts are paid-off by their amazed faces.
... until next time ...
kalo baca-baca di internet, katanya bahan bento (mis: kayak nasi sushi, tamago) bisa distok di kulkas jadi ga harus bikin tiap hari.. tapi gw sih belom coba hehee..
wah seneng ya Yen klo anak gampang makan, kita yg masak juga ikutan seneng... ditunggu kreasi bento selanjutnya :)
@ xiao, wah gue juga belum tau tuh...coba deh nanti gue cari-cari tau. thanks yak
@ debby, iya...sampe keluarga besar gue bilang anak" gue kena "tong-sampah" sindrom *sadis* hahahaha
Lovely twins bento! Great to see your post about bento ... looking forward to see more Deb :)
aku juga mau dibuatin Bento Yen..lucu-lucu bento mu..^^
busettt...rajin bener!
loe buka usaha bento aja ci,....kerjasama ama kindergarten gitu,...jadi catering-an makanan toddler...
PS: bukannya emaknya udah "tong-sam"? gak heran kalo anak2nya jadi "tong-sam" juga,...hhohohohohoh
Keren!! Gua seneng banget liat2 bento, seringnya jg bw2 ke blog ibu yang bikin bento. Yen, kotak bento#1 itu beli di mana?
@ Lia, thanks a lot lia...
@ elrica, wah, kudu jadi anak angkat gue dulu tuh...wakakakaka
@ icen, kurang ajaaarrr...:-D coba ya...sesama tong sam dilarang saling mendahului...
@ Elisa, thanks
waduh, udah lupa tuh beli di mana, soalnya udah lama, el..kayanya di hyperm*rt gitu d, kalo gak salah ya
aihhhh....cute2 banget bento nya yen! Walahhhh anak2 jaman sekarang sih bener2 dimanjain ama mami2 yang pada rajin bikin bento yahhh :).
Bener deh gue sih salut ama mami2 yang demen bikin bento, soalnya bikin bento tuh bener2 butuh ketelatenan, lah wong kecil2 gituuu...hueheheh :)
@ Belzy, thanks, Bel...
hehehehehe...awalnya gara-gara gue perhatiin isi bekal mereka koq (misal) cuma nasi putih ama nugget doank
walau skrg blm susah, gue gak kepengen mereka lama2 gak doyan sayur ama buah gitu
jadi turun tangan deh, anyway ternyata asik juga hihihihi
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