As usual after Sunday mass, we picked kids up from their Sunday school.
I found Jovann sitting next to a fair chubby little girl about his age.
His nanny was telling me that he had asked Jojo to introduce himself to her since they sat together
His reply was," uh, I kinda embarrassed ... of my dark skin colour..."
Hello .... ?? if he said his skin is dark, then what should I refer myself to? a dark chocolate candy bar? Besides, what does he know about embarrassment?
After realeasing my hug to Jojo, I stepped to Luna's side
Her nanny also reported her -out of habit- was chit chatting with classmate,
another boy during her age.
My naughty mind swirled fast and blurted out,"Is he good looking?"
She said,"Yes...." with eyes wide opened and a thumb raised up.
I just scratched my not-so-itchy scalp and created a wide horse's grin.
for Jojo's case >> hey, children have their own case of insecurities too, u know...just re-assure them so they will develop their self confidence early..
for Luna's case >> I really want to capture your face when she answered that! hahahahahaaa....
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