Monday, December 2, 2013

Bento lately

Posted by Journal Mommy Yenny at 11:59 AM has been a while since I did the entry posting for blog.
The reason because I was in bento hiatus too.
However, on last week I made some bento due to several occassions :)

I made one Japchae bento in the past 
It composed of japchae with ground beef, red and yellow bell peppers, carrots and zucchini. Added in box are apples and mini mandarin.
Everyone in my house loves japchae :D

This bento was made to celebrate the birthday of one dear friend.
It composed of brown rice (made from mixing white rice with sweet soy sauce). The rice is "tied" with kani ribbon as to resemble a gift. Surrounded the rice, I put blanched broccoli, carrots, boiled egg. In paper cup, I added honey glazed salmon teriyaki. To complete the box, I put some apples and grapes.

Notice from the carrot, you can read the recipient's name.
At first, I wanted to put cheese cut-out for letters. At the very moment, I just realized that I ran out of cheese sheet. My bad habit, not to check all needed ingredients before hand. The cheese was apparently being treated as snack by my kids.
So, as last resort, I punched the letter on carrot and then to slice out a bit of its surface.
Taadaaa...I hope you can read the letters.

This bento was made for twins' school project.
The school asked the students to bring balanced meal. They will be evaluated from content of box, from carb, protein, veggie and fruit. To get more fun, they also be evaluated from their eating manner. In fact, school will see if they can finish the meal during lunch time.
I found this project is quite easy. Kids are accustomed to eat balanced meal and they have well eating manner, I believe.
Once again, I put brown rice (white rice+sweet soy sauce). This is only to give contrast color, since I wanted to put something white on top.

Could you guess what did I put on top of brown rice? 
I made a winged helmet and a hammer of famous Thor :) I created them from meatballs and kani sheet.
On the side is green squash, brocolli, flower-y carrot, pan-fried salmon with salt and black pepper, cherry tomato, apples and mixed frozen berries.

I prepared 3 identical boxes and just as I thought, they all finished their lunches. 


See you next time >,<


Rina @ Bento School Lunches on 8:42 PM said...

Welcome back! Lovely and yummy bentos as always!!:)

ashleyprincess on 1:54 PM said...

ngebento juga bisa hiatus ya yen:)

btw selama ini gw ga berkesempatan nge bento *krn males* en karena di skul nya eci ud disediain katering

tapi skrg mulai ubek2 file lu .. scr nanti SD udh ga ada catering, gw kudu bawain dr rumah.. heh

Journal Mommy Yenny on 4:17 PM said...

Rina, thank you so much, dear :)
So sweet of you

Journal Mommy Yenny on 4:18 PM said...

Ashleyprincess: iya Mei
lagi banyak proyek hehehe
oo gitu ya...
semoga bisa jadi inspirasi ya :)

Once in a Lifetime on 8:57 PM said...

Bagusnya. Masih rajin ya Yen, gua udah lamaaa banget gak bikin2 lagi lho.

Journal Mommy Yenny on 10:29 AM said...

Once in a lifetime: thanks Elisa
Gue juga engga tiap hari koq hehehe


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