Monday, September 5, 2011

Bento #144 Chicken and Fish

Posted by Journal Mommy Yenny at 2:50 PM
Hello...I am back from one week-holiday for Moslem New Year. The office was closed and also the school. Today is the first day everyone returns to their routine. Some are still in off-days but mostly have come back. I guess so are the traffic jam in usual places.

We didn't go to any specific get-away place. We are trying to enjoy the less crowded city as much as possible. It only happens once a year! I made some simple snack bento during holidays but didn't post it yet since my computer were in off mode too for a week. LOL

Thus, during off days, I read some more books that were waiting for me by bedside. One of them was The Just Bento Cookbook by Makiko Itoh

I have had this book for ages. I quickly flipped the pages and admired the fine photography inside during it's arrival. Not until recently that I carefully read one fabulous page to another. One time is not enough. The recipes look easy to follow. Each bento was given a timeline. The book simply makes me want to cook something.

I gave it a try for Chicken Kijiyaki Bento

for them
Inside the box: white steamed rice underneath of sliced-chicken, steamed broccoli, sausages, strawberry, cherry tomato and lemon wedges

for little man

for little lady

for their dad
Inside the box: same as above but I add two fish-sausages and double up for almost every contents.

It cooked and tasted like chicken terriyaki. One thing make me curious. The skin is not crispy at all while the recipe said it should be.

Days ago, the kids received a birthday gift from their aunt

The adorable Kokeshi Bento (Momotaro, Hanako and Ichiro) from Bento & Co

I should call this a sweet belated birthday-gift. Although was meant for my kids, I am excited about it, since I am the one who will pack some food inside :) She was right when saying this gift was a surprise for me too.

The kids are thrilled to accept those and used them for breakfast at home! Whew.. :D 
The top part, served as eating bowl, the middle part has inner dome leak-resistant lid able to put soup into and rice was put in the bottom compartment.

I will surely use Kokeshi Bento later on for their lunch *wink wink*


mama elaine on 3:49 PM said...

wow..lucky youuu.... xixixi..

blm pernah coba chicken kijiyaki..itu kulitnya kries kries gitu ga? susah ga masaknya? wkwkwk... kalo mudah, blh juga dicoba nihh..

Patzie on 3:54 PM said...

SOOOO CUTEEE!!!!.. Mauuuuu...
Eventhough i can make Bento.. But i'd love to use it everywhere.. *pamer maksudnya*

Journal Mommy Yenny on 4:56 PM said...

@ Mama Elaine, hai..Yul..hehehe yang seneng adalah gue daripada anak2
iya bener, Yul, yang kulitnya kres-kres (harusnya). Masaknya gampang banget koq Yul. taruh chicken thigh (skin side down) di panci anti lengket. Pakai api agak besar, masak sambil tekan2 dikit sampai kulitnya garing, trus balik sampai sisi satunya lagi juga mateng. Sebelumnya ditusuk2 dulu biar cepet mateng ya. Angkat dan tiriskan. Di wajan yang sama, dilap kering, masukkan mirin, soy sauce dan sugar (gue lupa berapa takarannya kayanya 1 sendok makan each deh). Diaduk dan ditunggu sampai bubly, masukkin ayamnya. sampai terlapis 2 sisi dengan sauce. Angkat. potong. Uda deh...gampang kan? cuma gue bingung, hasilnya gak garing nih kulitnya. Jangan2 saus gue kebanyakan kali ya? sebelumnya emang gue main asal tuang aje. Gue pikir kan lebih banyak saus, lebih enak. Tapi ternyata, itu bikin kulitnya jadi lembab. Pas baru angkat sih kulitnya bisa garing. Tadi pagi gue cobain saus dikit, kayanya masih belum garing juga. Gue uda lebih dari 3x bikin ini, sampe penasaran deh. Any idea?

Journal Mommy Yenny on 4:58 PM said...

@ Patzie, hahahaha bisa dijadiin home decoration yah.. :)
tapi volumenya dikit, Pet.
jangankan elo, gue aja yang makan, rasanya berasa terlalu sedikit...

nomad girl on 9:52 AM said...

Hihihihihihi,'re welcome. Pengen liat tampang2 nya mereka pas buka kado nya...loe kasih mereka buka sendiri2 atau loe yg buka-in? koq gak nelpon dakuuuu??

Journal Mommy Yenny on 11:34 AM said...

@ nomad girl, mereka buka sendiri...gue gak liatin, soalnya lagi ngobrol sama mama. Kapan mau nelpon elo...gue pulang, mereka dah tidur :b

Lyñ (My Little Messy N Cheeky) on 5:12 PM said...

Im so jealous of their Kokeshi lunch boxes! These are so cute and beautiful! ;D
Like that cute little heart-shaped lips of the gal lunch box! ;D

Journal Mommy Yenny on 1:05 PM said...

@ Lyn, you can get it from Bento & Co, Lyn. They certainly have cute collections.


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