Thank you :)
She sent the ipod with its USB-charger and I simply use it.
For the past years, I did not have any interest over the ipod and similar stuff. However, recently, I fall in love with podcast. I use it for learning Spanish and Japanese language. *Wheww...wipe the sweat out from forehead* Those languages are not so so easy for me..and it's kind of 'headache' learning two different languages at the same time. But I enjoy them so far.
For Spanish, I can use it for simple communication with my customers within Spain and some Latin America countries. Just to build a closer relationship.
As for Japanese, I have started to learn this some years ago, not so much and not so serious. I thought, well, even though I am no longer in charged for the territory, I continue to learn since like it anyway
She also filled the ipod with many many songs of her choice.
I couldn't dislike her preference and listen to them during sleeping time. Ah, heaven!
waaaa asaiknya dapet ipod... :D
@ Arman, iya Man...lungsuran pula..udah banyak isinya hahahhaa
perbanyak nonton drama jpg Yen...kali aja membantu
@ Kartika, hohoho...makasih banyak sarannya ya
wahahahahhaa,.....bisa juga yach itu lagu-lagu nya dipertahankan...hueheuheu...gue tdnya juga gak yakin loe mesti re-format semua nya atau gak...happy listening...
@ nomad girl, hehehehee...gue gak sync the songs, cuma sync podcast nya aja. Daftar lagu2 elo masih lebih asik daripada lagu2 gue yg jadoel hahahhaa
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